
You must develop good habits to succeed. 5 practical and simple methods

Develop good habits and kick bad habits

You must develop good habits to succeed. To develop good habits, you must persevere. To persevere, you must have incomparable willpower to overcome different difficulties step by step and achieve success. But it is easy to say it. It is extremely difficult when it is really implemented, because people are easy to be inert, and when they encounter difficulties and setbacks, they can easily feel inferior and depressed, and eventually choose to give up.

It seems that some people want to lose weight. The most basic way to lose weight is to diet and exercise. But those who want to lose weight may persist for a while at the beginning, but when they encounter gourmet food and various snacks, they will lose weight originally, but they will endure it in the end. Instead of staying with the mouth and constantly eating, eating, and after doing exercises, the conversation is so good, the feet are very tired and unable to continue, the original weight loss plan, all of a sudden, disappeared.

In addition, some people want to learn a second language, such as Korean. When they first learn, they are ambitious and learn the basic pronunciation of Korean. When they gradually learn the basic pronunciation of Korean, they will be more difficult than excuses themselves. It is too difficult to remember. , In the end will choose to give up.

People tend to give up because of two main reasons. One is that their goals are set too high. If they are set too high at the beginning, it is difficult to achieve their goals. The other is that people tend to develop laziness and the bad habit of procrastinating.

Set goals

It is necessary to set a clear goal system, but to complete the final goal is to develop good habits and use effective methods. First of all, you must divide the final goal into several small goals. When each small goal is an independent small task, because Small tasks are easy to accomplish. After completing the small tasks one by one, it is easier to grasp the progress of the matter on the one hand, and on the other hand, it is easy to create a feeling of “a lot of projects have been completed”, and there will be a sense of success naturally, as long as you continue to develop This good habit will gradually increase your willpower and endurance unconsciously, and eventually achieve your goal. Just like the protagonist Fujiwara Takumi in the popular Japanese classic manga “Initial D”, he helps his father Fujiwara Bunta to deliver tofu every day, and drives his father’s AE86 classic car from the tofu shop from the top of the autumn mountain to the foot of the mountain. From the beginning, it took half an hour to reach the foot of the mountain, and finally it only took 4 and a half minutes to reach. He drove this route for five full years and was named the “Autumn Mountain Bike God”. In the end, he defeated Takahashi Ryosuke and professional driver sudou kiyouichi.

Develop good habits by rewarding yourself to stimulate a virtuous cycle

A simple way to develop a good habit. In the initial stages of developing a habit, we can reward ourselves for every task we complete. For example, if you want to train yourself to run, you may initially aim to run for 15 minutes, and then gradually add up to 30 minutes, 1 hour, then if you can complete the task every day after a week, give yourself a small reward, as if Buy a small gift for yourself or eat a rich dinner, etc.
If you can persevere in the initial stage of forming a habit, after the habit is successfully formed, you will gradually realize the benefits of forming a good habit, as if you have crossed a high threshold. At this time, your body will A virtuous circle begins, and the more you realize the benefits of good habits, the more you will consolidate the corresponding behaviors.

Reward yourself

Procrastinating this bad habit will hinder your success

Procrastinating this bad habit will have a great influence on people. For students, it will affect their academic progress, which will lead to a decline in test scores. For people who come out of social work, it will directly affect their work performance, which is a kind of effect for the boss. The feeling is “Why is this employee so slow to do all the work”, which finally affects the chance of promotion. For daily life, any procrastination will unconsciously form a sense of decadence, and gradually lose interest in everything, and there is no motivation. In other words, with repeated occurrences, you will only get farther and farther away from all your life goals. So what is the fun of such a life?

It is very difficult to change a habit. If you force yourself to make changes by your own willpower, the chance of success is very low. This is because people themselves have a habit of maintaining contentment with the status quo. In psychology, it is very difficult for a person to destroy an old bad habit and re-establish a good habit. So when we use a compulsive way to change a habit, it will be as bad as a strong self-psychological confrontation. Everything will only change in a small amount and a short time at the beginning, and it will be repeated again and again after a long time, and finally only Will choose to give up.

So the best way is to develop another new habit to replace an old one. Relying on this kind of thinking, what we should do is to develop the habit of “not procrastinating” and to replace the habit of “procrastinating”. By doing so, the fundamental problem can be solved.

1:Try to stay away from people and things that distract you

-Various things in the surrounding environment can easily be distracting and affect your concentration, so when you are reading, reviewing, or working, try to stay away from things that can distract you, such as mobile phones, TV, etc., so as to slowly practice you Concentration, and willpower.

2:Start any time from a short time, such as 5 minutes, 10 minutes

-Everything is the most difficult at the beginning, and also the most difficult, psychologically it will unconsciously produce a reluctant mentality. As long as this mentality can be overcome, the rejection will be reduced a lot later, how to overcome this mentality at the beginning, and the method It’s very simple. Set things to be done in 5 minutes or 10 minutes. Psychologically, you will feel that it will be completed quickly, and the feeling of rejection will disappear. Once the most difficult things begin, you will face more complicated things later. It will be easier to do a lot better. Slowly exercise your willpower. The more you persevere, your willpower will become stronger and stronger. Slowly start from 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 20 minutes, to 30 minutes, more than 1 hour, naturally, It will not be a difficult task to complete what you want to do within the specified time. Keep your progress and improve yourself.

3:Let go of unnecessary and meaningless thoughts

-Many people worry about this, worry about that, worry about many things before things start. In the end, the things to be done will be delayed indefinitely and cannot be completed. Then how can they be successful?

-In fact, thinking too much about things is actually a lack of confidence in oneself, which is a manifestation of lack of self-confidence. Because of distrust of oneself, it leads to excessive worry and affects the outcome of the matter, and the poor result will eventually come back Strengthen this kind of distrust of yourself, so the best solution is to repeatedly achieve success, thereby building self-confidence in yourself. At the beginning, you can do some simple things to give yourself a sense of success. After doing these things repeatedly, you can have the confidence to do some more complicated and difficult things. In this process, you can slowly develop your self-confidence.

If you can continue to persevere and slowly change the habit of procrastination and replace the bad habit of procrastination by the habit of “not procrastinating”, you will naturally increase the efficiency of doing everything, make yourself full of confidence and achieve success.

To be successful, you must develop good habits

As long as you are willing to have this determination to change yourself and develop good habits, you can catch up with the efforts of others for ten years, and anyone can succeed in the end.


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