Health, Health Food

What can you eat to boost your immunity under the pandemic?

fruit can boost your immunity

Under the current pandemic situation, new cases continue to appear in local communities every day, but the general public may have no idea about the virus or how to fight the virus. Many people know that prevention is better than cure. As long as immunity is effectively improved, I believe it is best to fight against it. All kinds of viruses are the best way, but what kind of food can effectively boost your immunity?

Under the impact of cold current and fatigue, if someone keeps sneezing and coughing and runny nose, will taking more rest or taking vitamin C and fruit supplements will speed up the recovery of the cold? In fact, as long as the intestine, one of the most important immune organs in the human body, is strengthened, the immunity can be effectively strengthened!

fruit photo

Why is the intestine the most important immune organ of the human body?

The intestine is not only the digestive organ responsible for food delivery, digestion and absorption, but also the body’s largest immune organ. When food enters the body from the mouth, different bacteria or other toxins may enter the body together. There are many immune cells in the intestine. , To avoid the invasion of germs, prevent the invasion of germs and get sick.

The intestine has a complete enteric nervous system, which can regulate the activities in the intestine by itself, and is not controlled by the brain. It has physiological functions such as peristalsis, contraction, and absorption, as well as immunity and inflammation. Not only that, intestinal health is actually closely related to the brain. It communicates with the brain through the brain-gut axis. Although the two work independently, they affect each other. Many physical and mental diseases are related to the brain-gut axis, such as irritable bowel syndrome and depression. Or chronic fatigue and so on.

70% of the human body’s immune cells are in the intestine. For example, the cells on the wall of the small intestine can identify and destroy harmful cells and secrete antibodies. In addition, the bacteria in the intestine also have the function of synthesizing vitamins and affecting immunity. In addition to avoiding processed foods, you should also pay attention to whether you have intolerance or allergies to foods such as gluten, dairy products, and soy foods.

What foods and vitamins can improve intestinal immunity

Vitamin B1: Vitamin B1 can increase the immune cells needed to produce antibodies. Foods rich in vitamin B1 include wheat germ, sunflower seeds, wheat husks, pork, and seaweed.

Beta glucan and fucoidan: In the body, the macrophages and natural killer cells in the immune cells often swim in the blood. If foreign bodies or infected cells are found, they will be removed, but they will age or become too large at the end of the year. The pressure of this kind can easily reduce the function of these immune cells. Ingestion of β-glucan from mushrooms, or ingestion of fucoidan from kelp and hair vegetable can help stimulate and activate immune cells.

Vitamin D: Vitamin D can strengthen the intestinal mucosa and immune cells to fight against the attack of germs. Vitamin D is mostly synthesized in the body and can be absorbed through the sun. Foods containing vitamin D include salmon, sardines, tuna, and fresh milk.

Blueberries: Anthocyanins are a kind of flavonoids. Flavonoids play an important role in the immune system of the respiratory tract. People who eat foods rich in flavonoids are less likely to get colds and other upper respiratory diseases.

Black Chocolate: Theobromine in black chocolate is an antioxidant that can protect cells from free radical damage and strengthen immunity.

Turmeric: The curcumin in turmeric has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, which may help improve the body’s immunity.

Spinach: It is rich in antioxidants such as flavonoids, carotenoids, vitamin C, vitamin E, etc., all of which are helpful for improving immunity.

Green tea: In addition to being rich in flavonoids, which can help prevent colds and improve immunity, because of its low caffeine content, it can also be used as a substitute for black tea or coffee.

Almonds and sunflower seeds: Both nut seeds have vitamin E, which is a high-quality source of fighting free radicals and strengthening immunity; in addition, almonds are also rich in magnesium, manganese and dietary fiber.

Orange, kiwi fruit, sweet pepper: These foods have a lot of vitamin C, which can reduce the duration of cold symptoms and help strengthen the body’s immunity. Among them, the sugar content of sweet pepper is lower, and the cooking method of fried or roasted can retain more nutrients than boiling and steaming.

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