
Finding happiness in life

Looking for a happy place in life

Desire never ends

How to finding happiness in life? From the moment we are born. Our life begins to change from simple to complex and slowly from happy to unhappy. Sadness and troubles are one after another. However, if we come to this world in the form of other animals, birds or insects. It is easy for them to finding happiness in life, because their life experience will be very simple, only eating, sleeping, reproducing and dying.

Now we do many different things where we are in our lives. No matter where you are, you are always unsatisfied. Because of everything you do, you want to get a little bit more than you are now. If you only know money, you may want more money. If you only know happiness, you may want more happiness. If you desire joy, you will always want more power. Everyone wants to be a little bit more than they are now and the process of desire never ends.

Chasing happiness

Whether you are studying at university, going to work or shopping on the streets. Visiting temples and praying for blessings or going to a bar to have fun or even you are going to get married and have children. All the things you do in your life, the hard work you put in. Everything is for the pursuit of satisfaction and happiness.

Really happy

In the past few hundred years with the advancement and wide application of technology, we have changed the face of the world.

Now, we have a wide range of products. Compared with people in the old age, the comfort and convenience we get are undoubtedly the most comfortable generation in the world today. But are we the happiest generation?

If you get or have a lot, it means you get a lot of happiness and joy. This kind of argument doesn’t work. Because we humans pay a huge price for creating these comforts and conveniences. Our desire for more comforts and conveniences will never end and we will not feel happy in the end. So why bother?

We build the world today with the goal of making the world work better for our lives. However, we have not really done anything to ourselves. Now, it is time to check it out.

Source of pain

In the past 24 hours, can you imagine how many happy moments did you perceive? But when you were 5 years old and a kid. In 24 hours, do you know how many happy moments there were at that time? To some extent, the whole situation has been reversed. It doesn’t matter where you are. Even if you are in a bustling street, a shopping mall full of various kinds of goods or sitting in a restaurant with a lot of food or even in heaven. But your inner and heart conditions are not good. Doing nothing will not get happiness and joy, will it?

Our mind can be the source of happiness. But for many people, this mind can also become a source of pain, tension, anxiety, and depression. Why? Because you just don’t know how to deal with it. In fact, as long as you see clearly. The only problem in your life is that your life does not happen as you think in your heart. That will cause a lot of unhappiness and dissatisfaction. This is the only problem. Do you think there are other problems?

Follow your lifestyle

No matter in life or work, no one around you will follow your way 100%, right? No one else follows your way, there is no problem. The problem is that if you don’t follow your own way. That’s the problem, isn’t it?

Some people say that stress is a part of their lives. In fact, stress is not a part of your life, it’s just that you don’t know how to manage your heart. You don’t know how to manage your mind, you don’t know how to manage your body. You don’t know how to manage your emotions and your life energy. So if anything will happen as you wish, you will begin to understand the world. As long as you make some internal adjustments to yourself, many good things will happen. But many people are the same and haven’t learned inner adjustment, have they? So many happy things just happen by accident. Now, what I am saying is that you just have to create a proper chemical state in your heart. It will make you feel peaceful and happy naturally.

The next article will talk about how to make an adjustment within yourself to create an appropriate state of peace and happiness within yourself.

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