Why does it take 7-14 working days to order goods?

In order to provide customers with the latest footwear, accessories, daily necessities, health products, 3C products and other different types of products from Korea, Japan, and other countries, we guarantee that each item is directly air shipped from Korea, Japan, and other countries to Hong Kong. . When the customer submits a new order and payment, we will immediately send the order to South Korea, Japan, and other countries for processing. Generally, if the stock is sufficient, South Korea can complete the distribution and air shipment to Hong Kong within 4-7 working days. . To ensure quality, we will conduct quality inspections for each item and arrange for delivery to customers as soon as possible. Under our optimization, the order process only takes about 5-8 working days at the fastest. However, if there is a temporary shortage of goods, insufficient supply or transportation problems, it may be slightly delayed. (Except public holidays in Hong Kong and Korea)

Why is there a shortage of goods after ordering?

Due to the rise of goods all over the world in recent years, the market has been in great demand for all kinds of goods. Although there are a large number of new styles on the shelves every day, it is still impossible to prevent certain hot-selling styles from being sold out in a short period of time or the supply cannot keep up. If some items are put on the shelves earlier, for example, more than 3~4 weeks, there may be only a small amount of inventory left for the item, and the inventory information of the item may be updated less frequently, which increases the chance of out of stock after the order is placed. . In addition, after the general customer’s order is confirmed, it will be immediately sent to South Korea, Japan, and other countries for processing and distribution. However, due to the time difference of 1-2 working days in the middle, it may cause the customer to still have inventory when placing the order, but the goods will be out of stock when the goods are distributed. If it is confirmed that there is a shortage, we will immediately notify the customer and arrange a refund.

Return goods

After the customer receives the product, if the product has serious quality problems (within the scope of the product quality description), please send an email to cs@asmarthk.com with photos of the product problem within one working day to notify us. We will contact South Korea and Japan. , The company of other countries arranges for replacement. For details and rules about return and exchange, please refer to the article “Terms of Return of Goods” in our company’s online store.

Regarding the product does not have a Made in Korea or wash label label?

We understand that some customers may not know the standards in Korea, Japan, and other countries in this regard. Since South Korea, Japan, and other countries do not have relevant regulations that require each item to have Made in Korea, Made in Japan, etc. or wash labels, some products in Korea, Japan, and other countries will not have any labels.

**However, customers please rest assured that every branded product received by the customer must be shipped in original packaging from Korea, Japan, and other countries, to ensure that the goods ordered are imported by Korean brands.

“MADE IN CHINA” will be printed on the label of the shoe product?

As the number of shoes designed and produced in South Korea, Japan, and other countries is not large, in order to cater to the retail market, companies in South Korea, Japan, and other countries sometimes send some of their products to China for processing and then return to the original country for sale. Therefore, some shoe products will have “MADE IN CHINA” printed on the label. Since the final design patents and sales are owned by the original country manufacturer, it is not possible to judge that the product is not a genuine product from Korea, Japan, or other countries based on the processing location alone.

Customers query the size of the goods?

As we are unable to provide detailed sizes for each item at the moment, but according to our experience, most Korean products are free size. If you want to have a size reference, you can choose the Korean products on our website. They will list detailed sizes. , I hope customers can find suitable goods.

How to measure the size of branded goods?

The size will be different due to the elasticity of the material and the measurement method. Most of the products are placed flat and measured on the back of the single side without tension. The calculation unit is centimeters (cm). (For example, the waist circumference of 15 cm displayed on the product page = the overall waist circumference of the product is about 30 cm). The general measurement method is as above. For individual measurement methods, please refer to the information on the product page.

How to measure shoe size?

Generally, the size of Korean shoes is measured in millimeters (mm). For example, the total length of the customer’s toe to the toe is 235 mm, and the material of the shoes has a certain thickness. It is recommended that customers choose a size of size, such as 240mm or 245mm. If the object is too big, you can also use the insole to make adjustments.

How to choose the right clothes?

Since everyone has different preferences for dressing and fitting, it is recommended that customers compare their similar clothing measurements with the clothes in the store owner’s store and refer to them. Based on this information, it can be estimated whether the product fits.